Guitar, Don Share (Fri 10 am): Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced guitarist, improving your rhythm playing will pay huge dividends. We’ll review the foundation of bluegrass rhythm guitar playing for those who are less advanced, and then explore some of the techniques that more advanced players use to give their rhythm playing more power and variety. These include bass runs that connect chords, more complex strum patterns, bluegrass rhythm ‘punctuation,’ and volume dynamics. We’ll learn and practice these elements of bluegrass rhythm guitar playing by using the G, C, and D chord shapes so that, with the help of a capo, you can play great rhythm guitar for songs in any key. You should take away from the workshop a better understanding of the ingredients of good rhythm guitar playing, and a good idea of new techniques you can integrate into your playing. Please bring an in-tune guitar, a capo, and a flat pick.
Mandolin, Joe Ellingson (Fri 10 am): We will discuss and practice mandolin skills that make jamming more fun and approachable. We’ll cover topics including: constructing solos by embellishing basic song melodies, soloing over songs you’ve never played before, and how to to move licks and melodies between keys.
Banjo, Dale Adkins(Fri 10 am): “Bluesy banjo”- We will discuss what makes a song “bluesy” and what makes a song “happy.” We will then explore rolls, phrases and strategies that support a bluesy approach to backup and soloing.
Fiddle, Casey Willis (Fri 10 am): We will focus on right hand technique/exercises. Also we will explore three-note slur ideas and the Nashville number system
Kids Bluegrass Workshop (Fri and Sat 10 am) - Clyde Clevenger: This workshop is for kids ages 5-12 who are interested in learning about bluegrass music. We will learn a new song together, and we will also have an instrument petting zoo where kids can try out different bluegrass instruments. What to Bring:
A willingness to have fun!
A snack and water bottle
A notebook and pen (optional)
What to Expect:
We will start by learning a new bluegrass song. We will sing the song together, and we will learn the chords and melody.
After we learn the song, we will have an instrument petting zoo with a variety of bluegrass instruments on display, and kids can try them out.
We will end the workshop with a jam session. We will play the song we learned together, and we will also play some other bluegrass tunes.
Harmony Singing (Fri and Sat 11:45 am) - Sue Thompson & Don Share: Learn to Sing Harmony the Natural Way! Come and learn our proven method for finding harmony parts naturally and intuitively by ear. This is not just a demonstration, be prepared to sing! Friday will focus on harmony basics and finding high harmonies. Saturday will start where we left off on Friday, and focus on finding the baritone (below the melody) part.
Bluegrass Jamming 101 (Fri 11:45) - Linda Leavitt & Tom Nechville: Learn how to use the Nashville Numbering System and your ear to play and sing in a bluegrass jam. We’ll discuss jam etiquette as we play through traditional bluegrass repertoire. Our focus will be on listening and ear training. Open to acoustic guitar, mandolin, banjo, fiddle, dobro and bass players. Guitarists, banjoists and dobro players: please bring your capos!
Hosted Intermediate/Advanced Bluegrass Jam (Fri 2 pm) - Clyde Clevenger: Hey y'all, how about some bluegrass fun.. Bring your banjos, fiddles, mandolins, guitars, dobros, and basses and let's pick some tunes! This is for intermediate to advanced players only, so please be familiar with the common repertoire and etiquette. No drums or electric instruments, please.
Early Bluegrass Duets (Fri 2 pm) - Linda Leavitt & Tom Nechville: Tom & Linda will introduce three early bluegrass duets to learn together. We’ll discuss how to find the best key for singing lead for each song, and how that varies person-to-person. We’ll listen for what makes these songs sound bluegrass-y and put those elements of traditional bluegrass style into play.
Guitar, Dale Adkins (Sat 10 am): In this hands-on workshop we will take a song and work on an approach to rhythm that includes chord transition runs, end phrase runs, and several rhythm variations.
Fiddle, Paul Elliott (Sat 10 am): “What makes a good bluegrass fiddle solo?” We’ll learn a break for a standard bluegrass song that demonstrates key aspects of the bluegrass style including embellishing the basic melody, using double-stops and drones, and using interesting rhythms.
Resophonic Guitar, Benji Nagel (Dobro) (Sat 10 am): Fun with double-stops! In this all-levels workshop we will explore double-stops on the reso guitar as a simple and practical way to improvise. These two-note combinations are also a good way to approach minor chords. All skill levels are encouraged to join.
Bass, Josh Adkins (Sat 10 am): “Mastering the Basics” We will discuss performance choices available to bluegrass bass, when to apply techniques for effect, and how to make a big impact without being noticed.